Investment In Turkey

What are the most important investment incentives in Turkey?
A promising economy is expected to become one of the fastest growing economies within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) during the period 2014-2016, attracting annually about $ 15 billion in foreign investment.
The qualitative boom in the Turkish economy, with gross national product jumping from $ 230 billion in 2002 to $ 820 billion in 2013.
The world’s 16th economy, sixth in Europe, with a stable economic growth averaging 5% between 2012 and 2013.

What are the most important points of industrial investment in Turkey (automotive industry)?
Turkey has increased its vehicle production from 374,000 in 2002 to more than 1125,000 units in 2013. With this performance, Turkey is ranked 16th among the world’s largest automakers.
According to the Global Competitiveness Index (GMCI) for Deloitte, over the next five years, Turkey will rise from 20th place in 2013 to No. 16.
Turkey will become Germany’s second largest competitive manufacturing plant in its region covering Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Turkey’s automotive product range covers a wide range of cars, from sedans to heavy trucks.

What about agricultural and food investment in Turkey?
Turkey has an estimated 11,000 species of vegetable and fruit varieties, while the total number of plant species in Europe is 11,500 species.
Turkey is a global leader in the production of dried figs, nuts, raisins and dried apricots.
Has the highest rate of milk and dairy products in its region.

What are the real estate investment options in Turkey?
Buying a property in a project under construction in a vital area or strategic and then sell it after the end of the project at a higher price will witness a high turnout. The most attractive for investors now is to look for apartments for sale in Istanbul and apartments for sale in Istanbul by the sea.
Investment of land for sale in Turkey with strategic sites that may be included within the planning schemes of cities or the possibility of building residential complexes on them later and then selling them later multiplier.
Real estate development: buy an old property and then renew and improve, and then sell at a higher price.
Buying a ready-made apartment in a project then lease it and ensure a fixed monthly return.

Why experts classify investing in real estate as the best investment in Turkey and in Istanbul in particular?
Because real estate investment is affected by the state economy and political stability significantly, Turkey is the first and best candidate for real estate investment in the region.
Real Estate is the largest growth and profit-making sector in the world.
Investment in real estate results in guaranteed, and far from risks.

What are the advantages of real estate investment in Turkey according to global indicators?
Prices of apartments in Turkey are constantly increasing due to foreign demand on a continuous basis.
According to the Knight Frank International Index, Turkey is part of the world’s largest market for property price growth.
According to Ernst & Young. Turkey ranked second in the most attractive markets.
Several other indicators have nominated Turkish real estate markets offering the best achievements in the coming years.
The scarcity of real estate in all kinds compared to the demand in the markets.
What are the most prominent investment projects in Turkey currently?
Turkey is about to witness a 20-year reconstruction project in the most beautiful cities of Turkey, such as Istanbul, to renovate Turkey’s old real estate and turn it into luxury apartments for sale in Turkey, farms and luxurious villas for sale in Turkey, It is an investment project involving about 6.5 million real estate units.

The Turkish investor will not be the only investor in this investment. The investment law in Turkey has opened the doors for investment to 183 citizens of Turkey, thus giving foreigners a successful investment opportunity to contribute to this architectural activity. A number of Arab countries, especially the Gulf States, are among the countries that allow their citizens to buy real estate in Turkey.

What are the main points that encouraged Arab capital to invest in Turkey?
Turkey’s political and social stability in the Middle East.
Facilitating and guaranteeing the rights of foreigners who wish to own property in Turkey, to the point of obtaining life-long staying permits (renewed annually) in Turkey once they own a property.
Turkey’s proximity from the Arab world and the Arab Islamic character spread in all of its cities, and the Turkish ethic, not to mention the nature of the picturesque, the mountains of Trabzon green and blue Bosphorus, Bursa falls and the mild climate wonderful summer.
Statistics from the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning indicate that there are 14,600 foreign investors in Turkey, who bought 13.5 thousand Turkish property in the last year until May 2013. At the top of the foreign investors are the Russians and the British. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which is at the top of investors Arabs in Turkey.

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